
Showing posts from 2020


Hallo guys, assalamu'alaikum... Jadi diblog kali ini,aku mau bagiin resep ayam geprek yang kurang lebih kayak ini nihh👇 Sebagai warga +62 pastinya gak asing dong sama Ayam geprek, bahkan sekarang ini udah banyak kedai, warung, rumah makan,dll,yang menyediakan menu ayam geprek.. Jadi, sekarang aku mau bagiin resep ayam geprek dari sahabat aku,Rosaaa👩  yukk kita simak resepnya... Bahan ayam goreng: -Ayam 150g -100g Tepung Basah -200g Tepung terigu  -Minyak secukupnya untuk menggoreng ayam hingga tenggelam Bahan untuk sambalnya: -Cabe kecil sesuai selera -1 biji bawang putih -garam secukupnya -penyedap rasa masako secukupnya Peralatan: -2 mangkuk untuk Tepung basah dan kering -pengaduk -cobek -ulekan Yuk kita langsung ke cara pembuatan ayamnya: -cuci ayam hingga bersih -buat adonan tepung basah dan kering -masukan ayam ke dalam adonan basah lalu pindah ke tepung yang kering,ulangi hingga tepung kering habis ...


 Nama     : Ferlinda Wahyu Widiawati No              : 21 Kelas        : XI IPS1    

SOS4Love Project (week 1 and 2)

Assalamualaikum guys, before continuing to read the blog, let's introduce myself. My name is Ferlinda Wahyu Widiawati,from SMAN 1 Purwosari,grade XI IPS1. In this blog I want to fill in the SOS4Love Project to be precise about SDGs number 5,it's Gender Equality SOS4LOVE PROJECT 2020 week 1 Gender Equality is an issue and a shared responsibility, gender equality is not an ambition of women to get rid of men and vice versa, but it is a way to humanize humans, no one dominates and no one is dominated SOS4LOVE PROJECT 2020 week 2 motto :  Women during the pandemic = All-rounder



A Day In My Life :Ramadhan Edition

 Assalamualaikum guys... click the link below to see my routine video during quarantine and Ramadan VIDEO RAMADHAN Or you can see my video in my blog here  HAPPY WATCHING!!!


Hello guys,on this occasion I will write about my favorite song to fulfill the English assignment of my teacher. From several types of song, I like the type of pop song. The song is Gaza Tonight and Beautiful In White. I also included a video of my favorite song Gaza Tonight Beatiful In White Now I will answer some questions that have been given by my teacher.    1. What is the title of those songs? Answer : The title song is Gaza Tonight and Beautiful In White 2. Who is the singer? Answer : The singer in the song Gaza to Night is Michael Heart and the singer in the song beautiful In White is Shane Filan   3. Write the parts of the song lyric as the above example! Answer :   4 . Why do you like those songs? Answer:   - the reason I like song Gaza Tonight because i feel if I sing this song I give encouragement to my brothers and sisters in the City of Gaza Palestine.  -the reas...


          Assalamualaikum teman teman.... Gimana ini kabarnya?semoga aja yang lagi sakit cepet sembuh,hati yang patah segera dipulihkan..eaa bercanda yaa:D Okee,Sesuai janji aku di blog sebelumnya,aku akan membahas tentang dampak virus korona terhadap perekonomian dunia dan negara lain.            Dampak yang disebabkan oleh virus Corona bukan hanya di Indonesia saja melainkan di beberapa negara di belahan dunia. Pada tanggal 22-23 Februari 2020 telah berlangsung pertemuan G20 yang diadakan di Arab Saudi. Anggota G20 ini terdiri dari Amerika Serikat, Argentina, Australia, Brasil, Kanada, China, Perancis, Jerman, India, Indonesia, Italia, Jepang, Meksiko, Rusia, Arab Saudi, Afrika Selatan, Korea Selatan, Turki, Inggris dan Uni Eropa. Wabah virus Corona menjadi topik diskusi pada pertemuan tersebut. Dalam pertemuan G20, negara-negara G20 menyampaikan simpati kepada masyarakat dan negara yang terdampak virus Corona, khususnya China...


          Assalamualaikum teman teman,disini aku mulai menulis lagi tapi versi Indonesianya. dan sesuai judulnya aku akan membahas tentang hal yang sedang viral viralnya di Dunia yaitu Virus Corona,tapi aku akan membahas lebih spesifiknya sih tepatnya tentang 'Dampak corona di perekonomian dan juga solusinya' .           aku membahas ke ruang lingkup yang sederhana dulu ya,dampak dari covid 19 atau corona ini terhadap perekonian di Indonesia dan Insyaallah next blog aku akan membuat dan membahas dampak covid 19 ini terhadap perekonomian Dunia dan negara lain.    so langsung aja ya happy reading guys!!          Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) telah menetapkan status keadaan darurat Covid-19 sampai 29 Mei 2020. Pada sisi lain dalam forum KTT Luar Biasa G-20 secara virtual, Presiden Joko Widodo  mengajak pemimpin G-20 untuk berperang melawan Covid-19 yang telah melanda ratusan n...


     March 16 yesterday precisely at 5 am, the WhatsApp group was very busy with the news of studying at home for 2 weeks. many friends who asked and were confused, is this really studying at home for 2 weeks. some of my friends feel happy because they can be at home all day and can play but the reality is not like that because of the Corona virus .. That day the assignment came in droves, the teacher gave the assignment on that day even though there was no schedule of lessons on this day, I had to do it again. I do the task little by little, besides working on the task I'm also busy learning to make coffee I think my hobby which is always hanging out in cafes makes me curious about how to make delicious coffee, especially latte coffee. because there is lockdown so I can't go hang out with my friends, so I'm at home making my own coffee according to my creation. I hope🙏 Covid 19 will pass quickly so that I and other friends can carry out activities as usual.....

RECOUNT TEXT ~ Museum Mpu Purwa and Museum Ganesya in Malang

last month, maybe in January at my school there was a museum project about the MPU Purwa Museum and the Ganesya Museum in Malang. precisely this museum is located at jl.soekarno hatta housing griya samta blk B no.210, mojolangu, kec. Malang city of Malang. in the museum project there are some ancient objects such as palm, stone mortar, stone vessels, Shiva statues This museum also has two floors where both floors are like 3D dioramas. This museum also has a collection of 136 pieces from the kingdom of MPU Sendok to Majapahit but only 58 pieces on display, the rest are stored in storage. Thanks for reading guys,see you in the next blog and good bye👋

NARRATIVE TEXT ~ Tangkuban Perahu

In this Blog, I'll which was originally a sad ending changed to a happy ending...Happy reading guys😊🎊 Once in West Java, Indonesia lived as a wise king who had a beautiful daughter. His name is Dayang Sumbi. He really likes weaving. Once he wove cloth when one of his tools fell to the ground. He was so tired at the time that he was too lazy to accept it. Then he shouted loudly.  'Is anyone there? Bring me my tool. I'll give you a special gift. If you are a woman, I will think of you as my sister. If you are a man, I will marry you  Suddenly a male dog, named Tumang, came. He brought him a falling tool. Dayang Sumbi was very surprised. He regretted his words but he could not deny them. So he must marry Tumang and leave his father. Then they lived in a small village. A few months later they had a son. His name is Sangkuriang. He is a handsome and healthy boy.  Sangkuriang really likes hunting. He often went hunting in the forest using his arrows. When he goes hunting Tuma...

NARRATIVE TEKS, which was originally a sad ending changed to a happy ending

Besides narrative text, I will also make a recount text, wait for the next blog👋