March 16 yesterday precisely at 5 am, the WhatsApp group was very busy with the news of studying at home for 2 weeks. many friends who asked and were confused, is this really studying at home for 2 weeks. some of my friends feel happy because they can be at home all day and can play but the reality is not like that because of the Corona virus .. That day the assignment came in droves, the teacher gave the assignment on that day even though there was no schedule of lessons on this day, I had to do it again. I do the task little by little, besides working on the task I'm also busy learning to make coffee I think my hobby which is always hanging out in cafes makes me curious about how to make delicious coffee, especially latte coffee. because there is lockdown so I can't go hang out with my friends, so I'm at home making my own coffee according to my creation. I hope🙏 Covid 19 will pass quickly so that I and other friends can carry out activities as usual.....